そうだよねえ — CT Japanese Differenc ... | zig5z7 | sa.yona.la ヘルプ | タグ一覧 | アカウント登録 | ログイン

そうだよねえ — CT Japanese Differences



Differences in Japanese Chrono Trigger

Though it may come as a surprise to many veteran fans of Chrono Trigger, there are actual quite a few fundamental differences between the American and Japanese versions of the game. his page represents a pretty complete list of these differences that exist between the two main releases of this classic RPG.

Chrono Trigger Novel Project - Info and Progress Updates About the CT Novel

「Trann Dome: *technically, it could be the same, but I think it's Toran Dome.*」


「Zeal: Jiiru (note: You could call it Zeal, as the syllable 'zi' is supplemented with 'ji'.)」


「Nu: Nwu (note: I don't think it's humanly possible to pronounce in a single syllable.)」


「Leene: same. (pronounced lee-nay)」


「Lucca: Lucca/Lukka」


「Megabomb: Megaton Bomb (probably shortened for space)」

「Belthsar: Gassh」

「Melchior: Bosch」

「Gaspar: Hassh/Hirsh/Hersh」


「Terra Arm: terra power arm (as in number, like a terrabyte, not terra as in earth.)」

「Tin Arm: *can't translate, but it certainly isn't tin*」





CMで話題の「NUDA(ヌューダ)」のヌュってなんて読むの?(Excite Bit コネタ) - エキサイトニュース

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